0xGamble - $1uck introduces a unique gambling experience with its innovative game mechanics built directly into the Token Contract.
Designed to keep the adrenaline pumping, these mechanics provide players with an exciting and unpredictable environment.
In 0xGamble, winning the pot is the ultimate goal.
The pot is generated by user transactions, and the winning condition is determined by a combination of factors. Each transaction triggers an internal random number generation process, although not true randomness, it adds an element of unpredictability to the game. The user with the transaction that generates the winning number wins the pot.
Game Mechanism
0xGamble is a token-based game where players can transfer tokens to each other.
When a token transfer occurs, 1% of the transferred tokens is taxed.
The taxed tokens are divided into two parts: 50% goes to the game's "pot" and the other 50% is burned (permanently removed from circulation).
The remaining tokens after taxation are successfully transferred to the intended recipient.
The pot keeps growing as more transfers happen, and players have a chance to win this pot.
Who Can Win the Pot?
Anyone who participates in the game by making token transfers can potentially win the pot.
Every time a transfer happens, a small portion of the transferred tokens goes into the pot.
The more transfers occur, the larger the pot becomes, increasing the potential winnings for players.
How is the Winner of the Pot chosen?
To determine the winner of the pot, a unique number is generated based on various factors.
This number is calculated using the transfer timestamp, the amount of tokens transferred, and a Fibonacci number.
The Fibonacci number is a sequence of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones.
The generated number is then checked against three predefined thresholds: 69, 420, and 1337.
If the generated number is divisible by 69, the pot is transferred to a specific address known as the "house."
If the generated number is divisible by 420, the pot is transferred to the address that initiated the transfer.
If the generated number is divisible by 1337, the pot is burned, meaning the tokens in the pot are permanently removed from circulation.
The chance of winning the pot depends on the number generated, which is influenced by the timestamp, transferred tokens, and the current Fibonacci number.
The percentage odds for the three scenarios are approximate: